Although Halloween has become centered around children's activities, the tradition originated from Samhain. This Celtic festival marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was a time when special bonfires were lit, rituals took place, offerings were made, and costumes were worn.
Souls of the dead were thought to revisit their homes during this special time, when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld thinned. These spirits were appeased by a place at the table with offerings of food and drink. People would dress in costumes to disguise themselves from supernatural beings, and receive offerings on their behalf.
There are so many articles about children’s activities, costume parties, and candy wrapping, it’s hard to find Halloween activities for adults. If you enjoy celebrating Halloween but want to do it without the waste; these are the most eco-friendly Halloween activities for the season.

Pumpkin Carving
Every year I carve pumpkins with friends, it’s one of my favourite Halloween activities. Pumpkin carving is a naturally low waste activity, if you remember to scoop up the seeds and save them for toasting. With a little seasoning (I like them with a little salt, pepper, paprika, and chilli power) they make the perfect snack for when you’re watching a scary film. After displaying your decorated pumpkin for a few days, move it to a spot where birds and other wildlife can get at it. You can either fill it with seed or cut it up into smaller pieces. Composting is another option; pumpkins break down rather quickly on a compost heap.
Museum Tours
Museums often put events on during Halloween and while most of them are family-friendly with children’s activities, there are museums catering to those of us who enjoy a little spooking on All Hallows Eve. I've previously booked a night tour at the Lapworth Museum with friends; an unsettling tour of the museum’s hidden spaces and rare specimens, where they take away your phone and warn you that there’s “strength in numbers”. If you want to do something more exciting than watching horror films and carving pumpkins, I highly recommend looking out for events at your local museum.
Ghost Walks
A fantastic way to learn more about your local (gruesome) history is by booking a ghost walk. There’s the rather cheesy ghost hunting tours where actors hide around corners and you’re told made-up tales in the dark, and then there’s the historical walking tours that explore local streets and their paranormal connections. I prefer the latter, which tend to be more entertaining and less cringy. Last year I went on a ghost walk set-up by the BMAG and the host was wonderfully entertaining, particularly so when he ended the tour by telling us a ghost story and abruptly walking leaving us all in the darkness of a graveyard to find our own way home.
Halloween Entertainment
Hosting a zero waste party is relatively easy and so is making your own costume if you stick to simple outfits and focus on makeup. Although I enjoy a spooky party, my favourite Halloween celebration involve inviting friends around to eat food, play games, carve pumpkins, and watch films. Board games or video games, whichever your favourite may be, there’s plenty to choose from. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, Dead of Winter, and One Night Ultimate Werewolf are all cooperative games for large groups. If you only have a few willing players, video games might be a better option. Alien Isolation, Outlast, and Resident Evil 4 are packed with jump scares. If you’re looking for something lighter, Don’t Starve, Grim Fandango, and This War Of Mine are also good choices. For films: Hereditary, Funny Games, Ju-On: The Grudge, Get Out, and Rope are favourites of mine.
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