Not everyone can go vegan. There are a few factors that make switching to a plant-based diet unobtainable for some people yet everyone can make choices in other areas of their life that are more cruelty-free. Veganism isn’t just about food; veganism is about eliminating suffering, exploitation, and cruelty to animals as far as reasonably possible. No one can live a 100% cruelty-free life but we can, together, make better choices when it comes to the things we choose to buy, wear, and eat.
If you’re unable to go vegan or just aren't ready yet, there are still things you can do to help animals and the planet. When you can’t go vegan, go cruelty-free. If you’re unable to eat a plant-based diet, here are a few cruelty-free choices you can make instead; you may be able to make just one, some, or all of these choices but every decision you make has an impact.
Eat Plant-Based When Possible
If you’re not able to eat a 100% plant-based diet you might be able to make a few simple switches to create a more cruelty-free diet. Swap dairy milk for soy, nut, oat, or pea milk and dairy yogurt for coconut or soy yogurt; swap meat for legumes; mayonnaise for avocado or hummus; butter for olive oil; eggs for tofu; honey for maple syrup.
Switch To Cruelty Free Beauty Products
Cruelty-free, vegan beauty products are so easily accessible now. Almost all of Superdrug’s own-brand products are cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. All their products are clearly labelled and cover everything from haircare to skincare to makeup and even toiletries and sun-care. There are lots of cruelty-free beauty options for everyone ranging from high end to drugstore price points.
Stop Buying Leather, Wool, Fur, Down, and Silk
Most of us do not need clothes to endure extreme temperatures and harsh environments so leather, wool, fur, down, and silk are unnecessary for our survival. There are plenty of cruelty-free clothing options that do not rely on the exploitation of animals including fabrics like cotton, linen, modal, poplin, hemp, and jersey.
Use Vegan Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
There are lots of cruelty-free and/or eco-friendly household cleaning products available now, and surprisingly a lot of them are purse-friendly. Tesco launched their own eco range made from plant-based, non-toxic, biodegradable ingredients. You could switch to using an eco egg, replace disposable kitchen towels with reusable ones, or bulk buy (if it's within budget) to reduce plastic use.
Reduce Plastic Use
Wherever possible try to purchase plastic-free produce and recyclable packaging. Avoid prepackaging fruit and vegetables and buy from the loose produce section. It’s not always easy or even possible to shop plastic-free but simple decisions like refusing a plastic straw and taking your own bags (instead of relying on plastic ones) to pack your groceries is a small change that makes a big difference.
Walk, Cycle, and Use Public Transport
If you’re able to, make use of a carpool, walk or cycle to work, or use public transport instead of driving - it's a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. If it's not possible to ditch your car for the commute into work; on days off, at the weekend, or when you’d usually hop in the car for a 5-minute drive to the shops consider making use of public transport, walking, or cycling there instead.

Shop Secondhand
Shopping secondhand is arguably the most environmentally-friendly way of purchasing items. You can shop everything from clothing and shoes to appliances and furniture. Fast fashion has created a "buy-and-toss" cycle causing 13.1 million tons of textiles to be thrown away each year. Use apps like eBay and Depop, and make use of your local charity/thrift shops to reduce the burden we’re putting on the planet.
Don't Visit Zoos Or Aquariums
Most of us have visited a zoo or an aquarium in our life either as children or as adults. There are many reasons why both are terrible for the animals and the environment ranging from inadequate environments, unnatural habitats, severely limited space, unnecessary breeding, poor health, and bad management. Zoos and aquariums are designed and run for profit, they're not created for the benefit of animals. Instead, visit your local farm animal sanctuary. These sanctuaries rescue animals and birds from abuse, neglect, abandonment, and slaughter, and your donation or time would help them greatly.
Sign Online Petitions
Dedicating time to activism such as demonstrations and marches isn't possible or suitable for everyone. When you see an online petition for animal welfare and environmental issues, consider signing to help push forward changes that will improve legislation to protect our planet and the rights of animals.
Donate To Causes
Whether you have a bit of spare change or some free time, consider donating it to an animal charity, a sanctuary, or a local shelter. These non-profit organisations are often severely underfunded and understaffed, every penny or spare time donated to them goes a long way in helping the animals they rescue and protect.