Zero Waste Valentine's Day

Zero Waste Valentine's Day

I'm not one to celebrate Valentine's Day but I can see the appeal if you're the romantic type.  While it's not an occasion I feel the desire to participate in, I do have some suggestions for making your Valentine celebrations a little more eco-friendly.  Avoiding waste on this day is just as important as any other and thankfully it's relatively easy to do if you think ahead.

Zero Waste Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Valentine's Day gifts wouldn't be all that different from any other type of gift, except with maybe a few more chocolates and perhaps a little extra wine with dinner.  Handmade and homemade gifts are an excellent way to gift something meaningful while sidestepping the waste that comes with pre-prepared wrapped goods.  Here are some low waste gift ideas:

  · Zero Waste Gift Ideas
  · Sustainable Gift Ideas
  · Buy Second-Hand
  · Handmade Gifts

Zero Waste Valentine's Day Activities

For some, Valentine's Day comes with the expectation of an entire day of celebrations with several gifts and even grand gestures.  Appreciating your loved one and reminding them how much they mean to you is what Valentine's Day is all about, so here are some suggestions for low waste ways to celebrate your love.

Indoor activities
  · cook together
  · create together
  · have breakfast in bed
  · take a bath together
  · play video or board games
  · make cocktails using what you have
  · create a Spotify playlist with your favourite music
  · look through saved mementos and photographs
  · make Valentine's Day origami
  · exchange love letters

Outdoor activities:
  · go wild swimming
  · enjoy a long walk or hike
  · visit a local museum or art gallery
  · get tickets for a performance or live band
  · have dinner at your favourite small restaurant
  · take a workshop or class with a local maker

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Zero Waste Valentine's Day Zero Waste Valentine's Day