It's not awfully hard to be more eco-friendly in our daily lives. We can reduce our waste with a few simple habit shifts. I'm not going to tell you to DIY your own skincare products or hand craft your shopping bags. These tips are simple, easy to do, and cost the same (or less) than your current habits. Following these sustainable habits can improve you life and save your money while also reducing your waste. And while 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions, that doesn't give us an excuse not to make better choices when we're able to.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It's impossible to live a waste-free life so your goal is to get as close to zero as practicable and possible. That means reducing what you buy, reusing what you have, and recycling what's left over. Try to make better choices about the things you buy, from the food you eat to the clothes you wear. Shop for sustainable options wherever accessible and affordable. I've got an ethical shopping guide that will help find products within your budget. Eliminate unnecessary plastic waste, avoid food waste by storing produce properly and eating it all up, and start a compost bin if you have the space. Ditch fast fashion, shop second-hand, and wear the wardrobe you already have to make your outfits more eco-friendly.
Eat More Plants
Ideally switch to a plant-based diet, if you can. It really is the key to eating more sustainably. Switching to a plant-based diet is the single biggest way you can reduce your impact on the planet. Not only can it lower your carbon footprint, it's often more affordable and healthier too. Animal agriculture is a incredibly damaging causing habitat loss, soil erosion and degradation. This is caused through unsustainable farming methods, land conversion, and water consumption. The growing demand for meat consumption contributes to deforestation and the loss of valuable ecosystems. Animal agriculture also disproportionately affects BIPOC communities. Individuals working in the industry are more likely to have mental health issues (like PTSD) and suffer alcohol abuse from the high pressure, stressful conditions. They're also at risk of injuries, which the industry systematically fails to recognise or report.
Cook From Scratch
Cooking from scratch can seem arduous if you're not keen on cooking or aren't terribly good at it. Thankfully there's a couple of things that can make the process less time consuming: basic recipes and batch cooking. Opt for things like soups, stews, curries, and pies. They're simple to make, don't require lots of pans or gadgets, and can be easily frozen for later. It can even be as simple as cooking an extra portion or two at dinner to eat the next day. Cooking from scratch using whole foods will help reduce the packaging you throw away as well as avoiding food waste. It uses less resources than buying ready-made products, meal kits, or ordering takeaway. Here are some low waste recipes to try.
Switch To Eco-Friendly Products
If you want to reduce your waste and be kinder to the planet, switch out the products you use for environmentally-friendly alternatives. There are so many options for makeup, skincare, and cleaning products, that are both affordable and eco-friendly, there's really no reason to still be using products that damage the environment and have been tested on animals. I have an entire beauty directory with vegan-friendly, cruelty-free makeup and skincare options. As well as low waste, eco-friendly cleaning products. Sites like Ethical Superstore labels each and every brand based on their ethical credentials. It's not difficult to find more sustainable options, even at your local supermarket. Look out for certifications that help identify whether a product is ethically produced.
Choose Reusables Instead of Disposables
This is a really simple habit shift that can be done easily and for relatively cheap. Create a zero waste kit you'll use and can take with you everywhere. You probably already own most of these items or can either borrow or buy them second-hand. This kit will help you to avoid single-use coffee cups, disposable utensils, and plastic carrier bags. All that unnecessary waste that accumulates just from your daily habits. You can also switch out household disposables for reusables alternatives, like washable cloths instead of single-use kitchen towels. This guide to zero waste swaps for everyday items will help you to ditch the disposables for good.
Do Less Laundry (and Air Dry)
If your clothes aren't actually dirty, don't wash them. It's surprising how many of us will wear an outfit once and throw it in the laundry basket. If you haven't sweated, spilled something, been rained on, or splashed - does your clothing need to be washed every time you wear it? Whenever you take off a clothing item, check it over and decide whether it needs to be washed or not instead of dumping it straight into the laundry basket. Hang worn-but-not-dirty clothes on the back of the door or even in the shower, where it can get a blast of refreshing steam while you shower. When you do wash your clothes, do it on a low heat. Cold water cleans
Go Paperless
Most services now provide a paperless option so make the switch to digital bank statements, utilities bills, and other essential updates. It's usually pretty easy to make the switch over to text or email updates, instead of receiving your updates via post. Stopping junk mail is relatively easy too, it just requires a little patience, a couple of emails, and a form. I managed to stop junk mail within a month, and haven't received any since. Other ways you can go paperless is to ditch gift cards (they end up in the recycling bin), using stationery (and not replacing it), and reducing your use of a printer (use editable documents, digitalise your signature, etc.)
Shop Local, Support Independents
When you support small, local independents, you know exactly who made the product and where. You're helping to support the local community and individual designers, keeping their business alive at a time where large global brands are taking over. You'll receive handmade items crafted with care and love, often in small or limited batches. You're more likely to find responsibly-made products in plastic-free packaging with personalised customer service. One small purchase can make a big difference to local, independent shops and it's important we support them. Looking for gifts? Here's a list of small handmade brands.