An End Of Year Declutter

An End Of Year Declutter

The holiday season and the start of a new year is super busy. With so much to do around December and into January, decluttering might not be a top priority. We're all focused on gift shopping and new year resolutions rather than what's in our cupboards.

Most people typically put off decluttering until later on in the year when spring cleaning begins. But despite there being much to think about over the holiday season; it's a good opportunity to re-evaluate the things in your home, and declutter what you don’t use or need. To start the new year off with a fresh, clutter-free home.

There are a few things I don't think it's a good idea to declutter before the end of the year. These include craft supplies and hobby tools, as well as any items you're sitting on the fence about. These might be best left for decluttering after the holidays, when the new year has begun and you know what your resolutions might be.

Declutter shouldn't be rushed so don't be afraid to take a slow approach to decluttering. Without rushing, causing anxiety, or unnecessary regrets. Having said that, these are some of the best things to get rid of before the end of the year. If you're unsure whether something should stay or go, these decluttering questions will help guide you.

An End Of Year Declutter

The Wardrobe

Most of us own too many clothes we never wear in favour of sticking with the same tried-and-tested outfits. Decluttering your wardrobe can help you to focus on maintaining an eco-friendly wardrobe. Go through your wardrobe and declutter anything you haven't worn, doesn't fit, or is damaged beyond repair. It'll give you the space you need to really see the clothes you own, and be inspired by a more curated wardrobe.

Festive Decorations

The end of the holidays, when you're taking down all the decorations, is an excellent opportunity to declutter anything that didn't get used or ended up broken. Go through your storage boxes and check lights, baubles, ornaments, and other trinkets to make sure they're still usable. Declutter any items that won't or can't be used next year.

Unwanted Gifts

There's a lot of guilt that comes with an unwanted gift. Unfortunately, 21 million Brits will receive at least one badly chosen present over the holiday season. We often feel obliged to keep them, even if they end up out of sight at the back of a cupboard. Instead of hiding them away, declutter them. You might find this difficult to do; this is how to declutter unwanted gifts without any guilt.


If you have children (or a dog!) you've probably got quite a few toys hanging around that either don't get played with or are completely broken. Go through their toy collection to decide which ones get to stay and which ones need to go. Anything that can be fixed should be fixed, or recycled if they're beyond repair. The unwanted toys that are left can be decluttered and donated.

An End Of Year Declutter


This one should be a quick and easy task to do before the end of the year. Take a look at what services you're subscribed to, and cancel your subscriptions before you get billed again in the new year. Whether it's for online streaming services or a food delivery service, consider whether it's something you're making the most of. If not, unsubscribe.

Expired Goods

Check the pantry, the kitchen cupboards, the bathroom cabinet, and your make-up bag. Look for any products passed their best or food that has expired. If there are any items you don't like and never use or won't eat, get rid of them. Not only are these items taking up space in your home and causing unnecessary clutter; they may also be unsafe to use.

Thrift Shop Donations

If you've had a pile of donations that haven't made it to the thrift store yet, now is the time to drop them off. Gather together all your unwanted items, from clothing to homewares along with unwanted gifts and festive decorations. If you don't think they'd sell on Depop or eBay pass them onto your local charity shop instead.

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An End Of Year Declutter An End Of Year Declutter