I really enjoy taking a look back over the most read blog posts of the previous year. It's always interesting to see what articles were most popular and which topics readers were most interested in.
This year capsule wardrobes were still incredibly popular, from seasonal wardrobes to travel capsules and even beauty collections. (Despite me personally feeling capsule wardrobes were perhaps over!) My style inspiration and wardrobe wishlists received a lot of attention. As did any post that shared tips for using Pinterest for style.
Another hit was my series on debunking jewellery terms, from recycled gold to vegan-friendly jewellery. As well as general jewellery styling posts, which were some of the most read articles.
The most popular page on my website is my capsule wardrobe. Since sharing my outfits on TikTok, I get a lot of questions about the clothes I'm wearing. This page lists all the details of what's in my wardrobe, where I bought (or thrifted) it and when. It's quickly became the most viewed page on my website.
With the threat of a lockdown well and truly behind us, I started writing about travel again. This time focused on dog-friendly travel, complete with city guides and walking trails. There will be a lot more of that in 2023.

Every year we hear that blogging is dead or dying. Yet blogs are one of the most valuable resources, providing detailed answers to the questions we search for on the internet. Unlike social media, where the life of content is brief and unsearchable. Blogs are still a must needed element of life online.
Although I've started experimenting with videos on TikTok, and have moved into working with clients on content for their own websites and social media. I'm still committed to writing about simple living, sustainable style, and slow travel here on A Considered Life.
So here's to another year of blogging!

Most Popular Posts from 2022
Capsule Wardrobes
I'd been starting to feel as though capsule wardrobes were redundant. I felt as though people were bored of the concept and tired of seeing them. But looking at my most popular posts from the year shows me just how wrong I was!
My seasonal capsule wardrobes were among the most read articles on my blog, with the packing lists and travel capsules getting almost as much attention.

Sustainable Style
One of the best things I did this year was use my knowledge as a jeweller to write more sustainable style content. I relaunched my newsletter, Considered Notes, and have been sharing weekly emails on slow fashion, capsule wardrobes, and simple living.
I'm pleased to see the posts I've written about sustainable jewellery, from styling to debunking myths, have been so popular. Expect more on that topic in the new year.
- How To Follow Trends Sustainably
- Sustainable Vegan-Friendly Jewellery
- Unisex Fashion with Ralph Lauren

Pinterest Inspiration
I have been an enthusiastic user of Pinterest but fell out of the habit of using it regularly this year. However, all the posts I wrote about using Pinterest for style inspiration turned out to be big hits with readers. A lot of traffic comes from the platform, sending readers to my blog and to my jewellery shop through pins.
This just proves to me that Pinterest is a useful tool for both bloggers and business owners. I'll definitely be writing more content around how to make the most of Pinterest, especially when it comes to style inspiration.

Simple Living
Over the almost 10 years I've had this blog, I've written almost everything I want to write about minimalism and decluttering. There's only so much you can say before you start repeating yourself (which I find many writers of minimalism do...)
Simple sustainable living is something I still feel very passionate about. But I only want to write when there's something new to say. In 2022, I focused on shopping habits to help support small businesses with gift guides to make eco-friendly gifting easier.

Low Waste Habits
Aside from sharing a list of eco-friendly product recommendations at the beginning of the year; I didn't write much about zero waste living in 2022. While I still care deeply about issues of waste, it's no longer a main focus for me.
I now see the low waste lifestyle as an integrated part of simple living, rather than a standalone topic. I'll continue to write about eco-friendly habits and plastic-free swaps, just not quite as often and within the context of simple living, sustainable style, and slow travel.